Browse Cards

Here are some sample cards displayed.



The image shows the front of a card. At the top there is a header with a green background, the rest of the card has a white background The header has the word Communication in small letters and the word Initiative in bigger letters in it. Below the header are the words Who should take the initiative to initiate privacy mediation?, to the right of it is a speech bubble with the word WHO? in it. Below that is a heading that says The user, to the left of it is a green triangle. Below that is an image with a green border with rounded corners. There are three people visible, Tom, Margit, Lena and Alex, with their names next to them. There are three blue arrows pointing from Tom to the others and there is text above Toms head that says I’m using my smart glasses to record video. Ok? Below that is a paragraph with a green triangle to the left of it. The paragraph reads A privacy mediating procedure can be designed in a way where the user of the camera device or the camera device itself (here Tom and his smart glasses) proactively initiates privacy mediation. Then, a verbal request or a computer-generated message is transmitted from the camera device to other participants (here Margit, Lena, Alex). Recipients could ignore the message, acknowledge it or react to it (e.g., by sending a response).

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Who should take the initiative to initiate privacy mediation?

The User




The image shows the front of a card. At the top there is a header with a light blue background, the rest of the card has a white background The header has the word Enforcement in small letters and the word Obligations in bigger letters in it. Below the header are the words In what way are measures for privacy protection brought to the user?, to the right of it is a speech bubble with the word WHAT WAY? in it. Below that is a heading that says Suggested, to the left of it is a light blue triangle. Below that is an image with a light blue border with rounded corners. A hand is holding a phone. On its screen is a message saying Posting this video might impact others privacy. Learn how to use the blur faces function. There are two buttons below the message, one saying Post anyway the other saying Cancel Below that is a paragraph with a light blue triangle to the left of it. The paragraph reads Measures for protecting the privacy of others may be brought to the user of a device as a suggestion. This could be an automatically generated hint by the system, or both, a manual or automatic message from another participant who wishes to protect their privacy. The camera device user can then decide whether they would like to comply or not.

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In what way are measures for privacy protection brought to the user?





The image shows the front of a card. At the top there is a header with a red background, the rest of the card has a white background The header has the word Implementation in small letters and the word Compliance in bigger letters in it. Below the header are the words Who gets the final say in implementing privacy protection?, to the right of it is a speech bubble with the word WHO? in it. Below that is a heading that says Compliance-independent, to the left of it is a red triangle. Below that is an image with a red border with rounded corners. Two people are divided by a black bar with the words block below it. The person to the left has a purple lamp with three purple lines pointing to the right. A dotted line with arrows on both ends connects the lamp and the person to the right. Above it is a symbol of two hands shaking that is crossed out. Below that is a paragraph with a red triangle to the left of it. The paragraph reads Some technologies can actively prevent the recording by a camera device without the need for cooperation or agreement with the device user. For example, infrared light or retroreflective materials can be used for this purpose. The advantage of these systems is that they do not require any compatibility compliance.

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Who gets the final say in implementing privacy protection?




Default Behavior

The image shows the back of a card. At the top there is a header with a orange background, the rest of the card has a white background. The header has the word Participation in small letters and the word Default Behavior in bigger letters in it. Below the header is a heading that says Impulses, to the left of it is a orange triangle. Below that is a speech bubble with the words How do I tell the system that I want to be recognizable on the recordings? Do I need a device for that? If I provided consent to a recording, can I withdraw it retrospectively? The speech bubble is pointing to a person. Below the speech bubble and to the left of the person is a paragraph stating There are cards to help you finding an answer to Melanie’s questions. Have a look at these categories Below the paragraph are the names of three cards Communication Channel Participation Timing Participation Inclusion & Exclusion

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What is the system‘s default behavior if a bystander is in the recorded frame?




Responsible Party

The image shows the front of a card. At the top there is a header with a dark blue background, the rest of the card has a white background The header has the word Responsibility in small letters and the word Responsible Party in bigger letters in it. Below the header are the words Who is responsible for protecting the privacy of third parties?, to the right of it is a speech bubble with the word WHO? in it. Below that is a heading that says The manufacturer, to the left of it is a dark blue triangle. Below that is an image with a dark blue border with rounded corners. A person is holding a presentation. On the slide there is a diagram of glasses, to the left of it is a document with lines representing text and a red dot with ribbons at the bottom. Below that is a paragraph with a dark blue triangle to the left of it. The paragraph reads The manufacturer can take responsibility for ensuring the privacy of third parties by providing mechanisms which actively contribute privacy protection. Any actions of the user which (potentially) violate the privacy of third parties could be prevented through appropriate software or hardware. However, this may also limit functionality. Certification of devices which protect privacy could also be possible.

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Who is responsible for protecting the privacy of third parties?

The manufacturer



Information Content

The image shows the front of a card. At the top there is a header with a purple background, the rest of the card has a white background The header has the word Visibility in small letters and the word Information Content in bigger letters in it. Below the header are the words What kind(s) of information does the cameras status display show?, to the right of it is a speech bubble with the word WHAT? in it. Below that is a heading that says Intention-based, to the left of it is a purple triangle. Below that is an image with a purple border with rounded corners. A person is holding a notebook case and a phone. To the left of them are four symbols labeled Video, QR-Code scan, Environment Tracking and Face recognition, with the symbol depicting the described action. Below that is a paragraph with a purple triangle to the left of it. The paragraph reads An intention-based display of the camera devices status provides information about the purpose or intention of the recording. Bystanders could be informed whether data is stored persistently, e.g., for video recording, or looped, e.g., for tracking. For example, a status display could be placed as visual indicator on the camera device itself, displayed in the environment, or by providing a lookup function on a bystanders device.

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What kind(s) of information does the camera‘s status display show?

